Eurisko Melbourne

For those of you who don’t know, last weekend Eurisko Melbourne had their first event at the Arts House Meat Market.

CCHS was out in force for the entire weekend, introducing people to what we do here at the HackerSpace and teaching “how-to-solder” courses.  We all had a great time seeing what other groups were up to and reaching out to them to build the community at large.

There was a huge amount of effort put in by the volunteers.  With you, this event would have been no where near as successful for us.

Thanks to:
Adric Landman
Alec Clews
Andy Gelme
April Staines
Bernd Wachs
David Chanter
John Bosua
John Spencer
Paul Harrison
Rob Brittan
Shane Rogers
Trystan -Crenn- Jones
Lachlan Maher
Zac Watts
Mark Agar

Now, to pictures!  On Saturday we were all out on our own, but on Sunday we joined forces with the awesome

In addition, a few of our friends have taken us some photos we’d like to share, Brett took some shots:

And the East Gippsland guys put up some photos on their facebook page: